This is the English version of this podcast. You can also listen to the version in French.
Author: Te Herekiekie Herewini
Script editing: Sophie Schasiepen with support from Andri Burnett
Narrators: Te Herekiekie Herewini and Mamello Makhetha
Producer / editor: Andri Burnett
Executive Producer: Sophie Schasiepen
Nguru (flute) melodies played by Te Herekiekie Herewini.
Herewini, Te Herekiekie. Toi moko Tū Atu Toi moko Tū Mai – The trade and repatriation of Toi moko (unpublished PhD Thesis: Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington, 2023).
Mead, H M.Tāwhaki Nui a Hema. (Reed Publishing, 1996). Māori language version.
Mead, H M.Tāwhaki The Deeds of a Demigod. (Reed Publishing, 1996). English language version.
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. New Zealand Welcomes 20 Ancestors Home. 23 January 2012. Media Release re: French repatriation of 20 Toi moko from Paris, France (2012).
Tourancheau, Philippe. The Fabulous Story of the mummified Māori head of the Rouen Museum (France, Via Decouvertes, 2013).
UNESCO. The 2005 Convention on the protection and promotion of the cultural diversity of cultural expressions. The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, meeting in Paris from 3 to 21 October 2005 at its 33rd session (2005).